How to get rid of parasites in the human body folk remedies

Parasitic infestation can cause many other diseases and lead to heavy consequences. That is why great attention should be paid to prevention. Folk remedy for parasites on the health of familiesIn less severe lesions is very useful folk remedy for parasites in the human body that have less contraindications and side effects than medication.

Tested recipes and recommendations on how to be treated a hell of parasites folk remedies presented in the article.

Harmful effects and ways of infection

Helminths represented more than 250 different species, some of which do not undergo a complete maturation cycle in the human body, Hello and even one of its presence cause significant harm to the body. To power the parasites use all organic and mineral substances that come to us with food.

In addition, an excess of parasites in the body can trigger the blockage of the important channels and lead and dangerous mills. Waste products of helminths can cause allergic reactions, but also leads to intoxication. Not ruled out mechanical damage of internal organs as larvae and adults, "travel" within our entire, literally gnawing their way.

This state of things by default can not be normal, so you must by all means try to avoid infection. It is important to determine the main ways of contact with larvae and eggs of helminths on the human body.

How can I get worms:

  1. The easiest and most common app — through dirty hands. During the day when you touch Yes hundreds of different items on the street, in the store or in transport. If you do not maintain the proper level of hygiene, the infestation will inevitably occur.
  2. Inadequate processing of meat and fish can also lead infection by various helminth species. All products must undergo sufficient heat treatment. Also when cooking it is important to follow all rules and technology, and questionable catering establishments and is best avoided.
  3. On fruits and vegetables may also be the larvae of the parasite. Many species of worms are perfectly Mature in the soil and in the human body come in direct contact, or through co-products.
  4. Stray and domestic animals often carry parasites. Some of them are common for human, for others we only become intermediate hosts.
  5. Contaminated water is often the cause of infection. Water from all sources must be boiled, not using raw. In addition, since parasitic infection can lead bathing, especially in closed water (ponds, lakes).

Often the infection occurs for reasons beyond our control. This visiting public places, eating meals of questionable quality in food establishments, as well as contact with an infected person or animal.

It is especially difficult to keep the hell-child transmission, because kids are very actively exploring the world, visit children's groups and platforms, the level of hygiene that cannot be controlled.

Also children are much more likely to break the rules of hygiene, so even the most attentive and loving parents often had to face the consequences of invasions. Use of pharmaceutical drugs is not always advisable, therefore, worth to study traditional methods of pest control. They are less toxic and safe for the body, so often used for the prevention of such diseases.

Symptoms of parasitic infestation

Most people are not even aware of this "neighborhood", while worms will not have an effect. The main symptoms appear in the acute phase, especially with infection with varieties flat parasites. In addition, the symptoms increases with a large population of worms in the body, if the activity poses a real threat to humans.

Cheerleaders have the following symptoms:

Be careful

According to statistics more than 1 billion people are infected with parasites. You may not even suspect that became a victim of parasites.

To determine the presence of parasites in the body easy for one symptom - a nasty groin to mouth. Ask loved ones, whether the smell from your mouth in the morning (Yes, like brush your teeth). If so, then with a probability of 99% you are infected with parasites.

Infestation leads to nervousness, fatigue, sudden mood swings, in the future, begin more seriously etnia disease.

In men, the parasite causes: prostatitis, impotence, adenoma, cystitis, sand and stones in the kidneys and bladder.

In women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Developing fibroids, fibroids, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal gland, bladder and kidneys. As well as heart and cancer.

Just want to warn you that there is no need to run to the pharmacy to buy expensive drugs, which, according to pharmacists, corrode all parasites. Most drugs are very ineffective in addition, they cause great harm to the body.

The choice between salad and cake

What should I do?

  • The change in dietary habits. Parasites do not respond well to spicy and sour dishes, but sweet for them, a real delicacy. The person may experience strong craving and flour and confectionery products, but the weight does not change, or, conversely, leaves.
  • Discomfort in the stomach. May hurt different parts of stomach, chest and even the area under the shoulder blades. Pain are also characterized in different ways. In addition, symptoms of dysbiosis and disorders of the digestive system. Most patients complain of nausea and watery stools, hours — and almost always constipation — heartburn, belching and bloating.
  • Deterioration of the General condition. The presence of even minor amounts of parasites in the body always causes some physical and psychological problems. Man gets tired quickly, doesn't feel fresh even after a good rest. In addition, can show signs of conduct disorder, sleep disturbances, and lack of appetite, nervousness.
  • The condition of the skin and hair, you can also identify the presence of helminthes. The nutrients that are so necessary in the formation of our bodies, which come in low volume, so the hair will be dull and lifeless, your nails constantly break down, and the skin will become problematic. By the way, the frequent phenomenon of the appearance of the rash can also indicate the presence of parasites in the body.
  • The weakening of the immune system. The parasite viability esny seriously brings the stress to our body, primarily affect the immune system. Frequent colds and prolonged recovery period could be an indication of parasitic infestation.
  • Many types of worms lay their eggs around the anus. That is why the phenomenon may appear itchy in this area, especially aggravated at night.
To detect the presence of worms is possible by laboratory analysis. This files most often examines a stool sample, although this is one of the most uninformative surveys. A more accurate result will give the scraping on Antares, but it shows only the presence of certain types of parasites.

Now, increasingly, a survey of blood on a special reagent antibodies, the development of which provoke uninvited guests in our body. Such analyses can be conducted for adults and children, a disadvantage of the phenomenon is the high cost and the need for treatment in a private hospital. Defining the exact form of the "enemy" may be easier to choose app, how to cure parasites folk remedies.

Folk remedy for parasites in the body

The action of similar recipes based on the properties of certain natural substances. Most often it is herbal antiseptics, which help not only to expel worms from the body, but also bring toxic substances to their activities.

Ideally, the body cleansing the blood pressure of the parasites in the home should be conducted after medical consultation and examination, which determines the type of helminth. In such cases, the treatment will be effective and safe, Coriander seeds from parasitesand with the basic rules of prevention of infection will become a reliable protection against various kinds of pests.

How to expel parasites from the body of folk remedies:

  • Taken three times a day crushed seed powder of coriander. Mix half a teaspoon, be sure to wash down the spices with plenty of water. After three days of treatment, you can count on results. In some cases, the intake of coriander continues seven Zen.
  • A medium onion must be crushed by any suitable way for you. After that, she poured a glass of boiled water. It is necessary to insist not less than 10 hours, after which strain and drink half a Cup a day . such infusion to use four days for effective results.
  • Proven folk remedy hell parasites — pumpkin seeds. A substance that is contained in a dark shell between the core and the outer layer has a strong paralyzing effect on the worms. To prevent you to use raw seeds according to your taste. For the treatment need z Adazi 50 grams every day on an empty stomach (distances should also give Ada food and drink), The pine broth from parasitesand in two hours to take a laxative. Treatment continues, but a full deliverance hell parasites.
  • Folk medicine against parasites often uses a decoction of pine cones. To cook it is not so simple, ale geta natural and effective. It is necessary to boil the young cones on a slow fire, constantly adding water and removing the foam from the surface. After five or six hours boiling, the mixture is filtered, add sugar and cook for about an hour. This syrup is used for two tablespoons on an empty stomach. The treatment lasts a week, you can use for prevention.
  • Purification of hell by the vermin at home is watermelon seeds. For this they are grinded in a blender and blend with milk (10 parts liquid to one part seed). Drink a glass a day on an empty stomach.
  • Wood ash obtained by burning of lime also a great folk remedy hell parasites in the human body. Preparation is to mix a teaspoon of natural honey and half — ash. Z Adazi every day morning and evening with milk.
  • Herbal tea from the leaves of the wild strawberry will also help in the fight against parasites in the home. You can drink it every day, but not more than two consecutive weeks to not lower the efficiency.
  • Good helps regular consumption of onions and garlic. For treatment you can use the fresh juice of garlic (5 drops each day), but only in the absence of contraindications.
  • Fresh pomegranate peel, you can boil and strain (50 grams in 400 ml water). Take half a Cup every day. Carrot seeds from parasites4 hours after ingestion to drink a laxative. During this period it is better not to eat and to drink, so that worked reliable.
  • Crushed cloves (5 grams per Cup of boiling water) to boil and infuse. Strained decoction, take a teaspoon three times a day.
  • A tablespoon of dry ginger root powder to insist in a glass of boiling water. Divided into three doses per day.
  • Shredded carrot seeds (1-3 grams) taken three times a day, drinking large amount of liquid.
Very helpful to regularly eat foods with a sour taste. They will also help cleaning the body of parasites hell at home. It can be lemon, sour berries and fruits, pickled cabbage and fresh juices.

Prevention helps to avoid serious iznaga of infection and also to destroy parasites. Before applying such products be sure to eliminate the risk of contraindications, because such a diet is not suitable small children, pregnant women and patients with diseases of the stomach and liver.

Prevention of infection

Despite the fact that to be saved a hell of infection with absolute assurance is almost impossible in our power to reduce the risk. To do this, simply adhere to the simple recommendations and in time to pass inspection and to run chronic disease.

Prevention methods:

  1. To maintain a high level of hygiene and to teach children from childhood to wash your hands several times a day, especially before eating, not to use other people's personal items, toys, clothes.
  2. Carefully handle all the products, observing the necessary rules of training. Modern devices will allow you to organize the space in the fridge and in the kitchen in a way to minimize the contact of raw foods and ready meals.
  3. Preventive measures using the Shoe hell parasites folk remedies for all family members and Pets.
  4. Do not use water and products of dubious quality and eat at questionable establishments.
  5. When buying meat and fish require a sanitary conclusion.

Bring parasites from the body of folk remedies is not so simple, especially if the infection is acute may flow. In some cases, such diseases require medical supervision in a hospital environment, so the self will lead Yes, threats to health and even life of the patient.

With the relatively light pathology of the perfect folk remedy for parasites. On the side of these recipes — the safety and efficacy, but need to know how the hell to get rid of parasites in the home correctly. Features of such treatment, as well as tested recipes presented in our article.